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Beat the Heat!

Event Starts: June 29, 2024

City of Celina - Community Connection

Title Type Author Date Size Tags
March 2023 Community Connection .pdf Chalk Hill HOA March 06, 2023 457.46 KB Download
January 2023 Community Connection - City of Celina .pdf Chalk Hill HOA January 04, 2023 515.68 KB Download
December Community Connection .pdf Chalk Hill HOA December 01, 2022 472.92 KB Download
November 2022 Community Connection - City of Celina .pdf Chalk Hill HOA November 03, 2022 466.66 KB Download
October 2022 Community Connection - City of Celina .pdf Chalk Hill HOA October 03, 2022 432.13 KB Download
September Community Connection .pdf Chalk Hill HOA September 02, 2022 1.17 MB Download
August Community Connection .pdf August 02, 2022 261.39 KB Download
June Community Connection .pdf Chalk Hill HOA June 08, 2022 1.00 MB Download
May Community Connection .pdf May 03, 2022 417.09 KB Download
April Community Connection .pdf Chalk Hill HOA April 01, 2022 195.78 KB Download
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